Best Free Iphone Slot Machine App 2018
Everyone loves a good crossword puzzle, so today we are going to look at a collection of the best crossword apps for the iPhone. These games will test your knowledge of general trivia, as well as your ability to spot patterns and solve problems, making them perfect for keeping your mind sharp on a daily basis. We've compiled some very cool crossword apps in this list to satiate even the staunchest of crossword enthusiasts.
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16 May 2020, by Cherry Mae Torrevillas
Play and enjoy an unlimited number of tailor-made crossword puzzles in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Hungarian, Czech and Russian! This game has a hint mode that shows you the letters in the word all scrambled. Just enough help to let you push through most words. The user interface is clean, well-laid out, and intuitive. You won't need another crossword game.
- Each new game is created by the app automatically
- Very configurable game generator. You decide the grid size, difficulty and many other things
- Many 1000's of clues
- You can choose from three different types of crossword grid: British, Barred and Arrow
- Generate crosswords tailored to your interests, ability, nationality and device size
- You can zoom in & out of the grid, and move around. Play with large grids on small screens!
- Ability to save games and reload games. Play many games at once, just like a crossword book!
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In addition to solving puzzles, this crossword app has quests to conquer and trophies to earn. You have over 7,000 clues to solve throughout 361 crossword puzzles. There are 45 trophies to earn, 57 quests to solve, and 10 achievements that you can unlock. With all of these extra features, one can easily see why this is one of the best crossword apps for the iPhone. There are several in-app purchases to add extra packs, tokens and to remove ads.
- Over 7,000 clues to solve
- 361 different crossword puzzles
- 45 trophies, 10 achievements
- 57 different quests to conquer
- In-app purchases for packs, tokens and remove ads
If you want a variety of puzzles to choose from, in addition to some of the best crossword puzzles on the iOS, then this is the app for you. You can browse through thousands of puzzles by world class authors, the New York Times, and from around the web. This crossword app has a wonderful interface and is very user friendly. All users will have an optimized experience as they try to solve challenging crossword puzzles. There are numerous in-app purchases for additional puzzles and features. Additionally, you can also challenge yourself with cryptic, acrostic, cryptogram, word, logic, and mystery puzzles. Enjoy the variety, enjoy the fun.
- Thousands of puzzles to choose from
- Wonderful interface, User friendly
- Optimized, Sleek design, Great looking
- Numerous different puzzle games in addition to crossword
- Various in-app purchases for more fun and features
If you don’t have time for a large crossword puzzle, or just don’t have the patience, then try this app. It’s filled with mini crossword puzzles that can be solved in a matter of minutes. There’s a large selection of puzzles and you can choose one to solve quickly. These puzzles fit on the entire screen so you don’t have to scroll down or zoom in. Additionally, skip puzzles that are too challenging or that may take too much of your time. The app is available in English, French and Russian. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will have fun with these puzzles.
- Mini crossword puzzles
- Only takes a few minutes to finish each puzzle
- Fit the entire screen, No scrolling or zooming
- Comes in English, French and Russian
- Skip puzzles you don’t like or have time to complete
You must have been living under a rock or on another plant if you have never heard of this game. Words With Friends is the most popular crossword game of all time due to its social interaction and the ability to play against friends and family. This game will definitely provide users with challenging competition and is quite addicting. Play online or offline, play alone or against others, match against friends or others on your skill level, spell words to solve puzzles, chat with others in-game, track and view your stats, learn new words and so much more. Remove the ads with an in-app purchase.
- The most popular crossword game ever
- Spell words and solve puzzles online or offline
- Play alone or against others, Match with similar skill levels
- Invite and challenge your friends, Make new friends, In-game chat
- Track and view your stats, In-app purchase to remove ads
Play Crosswords, the award winning app on your iPhone or iPad. New puzzles added daily to give you hours of both simple and cryptic challenges. Hints and clues are available by simply touching and holding a square. The app provides detailed info on each puzzle and UK and US cryptic puzzles are available. 4.6 star app from over 500 ratings in iTunes.
- New puzzles added daily
- You can enter either ink or pencil
- Get hints by touching and holding the squares
- US and UK cryptic puzzles available
An interesting variant on the traditional crossword app is Codeword unlimited by Havos who specialize in puzzle apps. The main difference would be that there are no clues!!! You will need to decode the answer from a few initially provided letters and is available in 26 different languages. Three is good feedback in iTunes with an almost perfect 5-star rating from almost 500 users.
- Unlimited number of codewords
- Players decide the size of the puzzle from 3 to 20 rows and columns
- Determine the level of difficulty
- Early learner mode designed for children.
- 9 levels of difficulty
Described as a first of it’s kind word game in the style of a crossword, Crossword Jam is a fun mix of anagrams, crosswords and word search puzzles. This brain game takes you on a journey around the world while testing your spelling, vocabulary and puzzle skills with simple rules.
- Swipe the letters to guess the hidden words
- Solve anagrams as you travel around the world
- Fun mix of word search and crossword
- Easy to learn but hard to master

There are 181 puzzles here for the crossword enthusiasts out there. The first 18 are free and the rest can be obtained through in-app purchases. There are no ads and all features are enabled. You can pinch to zoom, cheats, highlight mistakes, check answers, resume where you left off, and use a variety of different preferences. This crossword iPhone app definitely delivers on features and makes the traditional paper crosswords seem archaic.
- 181 crossword puzzles, First 18 are free
- No Ads, All features are enabled
- Get cheats, check answers, highlight mistakes
- Resume where you left off
- Get more puzzles via in-app purchases
Crossword Puzzles! Contains a collection of dozens of different high-quality images documenting beautiful locations from around the world while offering you a new crossword puzzle to play through every single day. This game offers literally thousands of different crossword puzzles to keep you occupied, while also providing handy hints and tips in case you get stuck along the way. Most of the puzzles are available without an Internet connection but you can also connect and download new ones each day.
- Enjoy a fresh new crossword puzzle everyday
- Receive hints if you get stuck
- Supports portrait and landscape orientations
- Each puzzle is accompanied by a beautiful photo
- Access thousands of high-quality puzzles
Whether it’s your lunch break, coffee break or just a few minutes to kill, this crossword puzzle app is a great way to spend your time. There are 27 free puzzles, with options to purchase the full version and additional crossword puzzles. These puzzles are suitable for users of all experience levels. There are no ads to clutter up your screen, you can check your answers to make sure you are right, zoom function, a Resume button in case you get interrupted and more. The next time you need to satiate your crossword appetite, download this app and solve up to 450 puzzles.
- Free puzzles, In-app purchases for additional puzzles
- Cheat and correct answer feature
- There are no ads in this app
- Suitable for users of all experience levels
- Resume button in case your break ends too soon
Taking crossword apps to the next level, the Crossword genius app from Unlikely Artificial Intelligence Limited, uses some clever technology to bring a unique experience to players. Ross, the assistant, is the only AI that can help you solve cryptic crosswords, even if he hasn’t seen the clues before. You can also scan printed crosswords to your phone where they are read and you can then work within the grids created. Clever stuff.

- Unique Ai called Ross to help you tackle crosswords
- Scan printed crosswords from a newspaper to your iPhone
- Challenging
- Free
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Best Free Iphone Slot Machine App 2018 Free
The first call made via a mobile phone took place in 1973, according to reports the first digital game launched in 1977 called Auto Race by Mattel, but it took almost another twenty years before mobile gaming and mobile phones finally combined forces. As a matter of fact, Nokia owners were the first to enjoy Snakes and Tetris by Hagenuk, even though at the time developers were limited by technology. It all changed once wireless arrived and the WAP protocol. It allowed mobile device users to download games as well as receive and send data.