Minecraft More Equipment Slots Mod
The Armor Tab is an Inventory tab introduced by Tinkers' Construct which functions similar to the Crafting Tab, except instead of the crafting grid, there are more slots for apparel. At the current time, many of these slots are not used. Lycanite's Mobs drop parts ranging from level 1 to level 3, the highest the level of the part(s) you want to use the highest the level of the forge you have to use, each forge corresponds to each level being able to use the lower but no the higher, starting from novice forge to Master forge. All forges require levels in building, the highest one requires level 18, the first forge is made. Slots PLUS, your server will not seem deserted ever again. This is SlotsPLUS, a simple and lightweight plugin to make your server or Bungee Network never feel empty or deserted again! This will change your server slots to the amount of current players it has with an extra slot to indicate that there is still space for people wanting to join.
Berserker's Fury
Equipment Slots: Chest, Legs
Minimum Enchantment Power: 60 + level * 15
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 100 + level * 15
Maxiumum Level: 4
Enchantment Types: Corrupted
Effect: When damaged, the player will take an additional level * level
corrupted damage and gain 200 * level
ticks of Resistance, Strength, and Speed. Potion levels are equivalent to enchantment level. Multiple enchantments can stack, the sum of all levels will be treated as the level. The effect will not trigger if the user has resistance active.
Miner's Fervor
Equipment Slots: Mainhand (Pickaxe)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 1 + 13 * (level - 1)
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 51 + 13 * (level - 1)
Maxiumum Level: 7
Enchantment Types: Twisted
Effect: Mining speed is dependant on distance above or below sea level. When below sea level, mining speed will be increased by 1 + level * level * ((sea level - y level) / sea level)
When above sea level, mining speed will be decreased by 1 + level * level * ((sea level - y level) / (sea level * 3))
Hell Infusion
Equipment Slots: Mainhand (Weapon)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 50 + level * 7
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 50 + level * 7 + level * 4
Maxiumum Level: 10
Enchantment Types: Masterwork
Effect: Attacking enemies in the nether will deal an additional level * level * 0.5
magic damage. This specifically applied in dimension -1 (the normal nether ID), and does not attempt to work in 'nether-like' dimensions. This enchantment's damage is scaled with local attack strength, so spam attacks will do less damage.
Icy Thorns

Minecraft More Equipment Slots Mod 1.7.10
Equipment Slots: ChestMinimum Enchantment Power: 40 + level * 15
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 90 + level * 15
Maxiumum Level: 3
Effect: Being attacked will inflict the attacker with (100 + rand(100)) * level
ticks of Slowness. The level of slowness is equal to the enchantment level.
Equipment Slots: All
Minimum Enchantment Power: 80 + level * 15
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 130 + level * 15
Maxiumum Level: 3
Enchantment Types: Corrupted
Effect: Gear enchanted with life-mending will drain the user in an attempt to repair itself. Every tick, there is a 10% chance for one piece of life-mending gear (equipped or held) to trigger, dealing level * 0.7
corrupted damage and repairing the tool for level
Mounted Strike
Equipment Slots: Mainhand (Weapon)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 1 + level * 8
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 1 + level * 8 + level * 4
Maxiumum Level: 7
Effect: Attacking enemies while riding a horse will deal an additional 1.75^level
damage. This enchantment's damage is scaled with local attack strength, so spam attacks will do less damage.
Reflective Defenses
Equipment Slots: Offhand (Shield)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 1 + level * 15
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 41 + level * 15
Maxiumum Level: 5
Effect: Blocking a melee attack with a shield that has reflective defenses has a 1/(7 - level)
chance to deal level * 1.6
damage to the attacker, and cause 10 durability damage to the shield.
Equipment Slots: Mainhand (Weapon)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 45 + level * level * 12
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 95 + level * level * 12
Maxiumum Level: 3
Enchantment Types: Masterwork
Effect: When killing an entity, there is an additional 2.5% * level
chance for their loot tables to be rolled twice. This is modified by looting, and if successful, is equivalent to killing two of that mob instead of just one. Withers that die to a successful scavenger roll can drop two nether stars.
Shield Bash
Equipment Slots: Mainhand (Shield)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 1 + (level - 1) * 11
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 41 + (level - 1) * 11
Maxiumum Level: 5
Effect: Attacking enemies with a shield causes an additional 2.35 * level
damage and inflicts 35 points of durability damage to the shield. This enchantment's damage is scaled with local attack strength, so spam attacks will do less damage.
Stable Footing
Equipment Slots: Feet
Minimum Enchantment Power: 40
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 100
Maxiumum Level: 1
Effect: When mining a block, your mining speed is treated as if you were always standing on the ground. Normally, if mining while not on the ground, your mining speed is 20%. Stable Footing returns that to 100%.

Equipment Slots: Tools (Hoe)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 0
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 500
Maxiumum Level: 1
Effect: When holding an item enchanted with Tempting, all nearby farm animals will follow you as if you were holding their respective breeding item.
Knowledge of the Ages
Minecraft More Equipment Slots Mod 1.12.2
Equipment Slots: Mainhand (Weapon)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 50 + (level - 1) * 12
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 100 + (level - 1) * 12
Maxiumum Level: 3
Effect: Enemies killed with Knowledge of the Ages will not drop items. Instead, all of their item drops will be converted into experience, at a rate of level * 25
experience points per singular item.

Equipment Slots: None (Anvil)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 20 + level * 8
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 60 + level * 8
Maxiumum Level: 5
Effect: This enchantment allows anvils to fall upon an enchanted book and split them into multiple books. Attempting to split a book will always take one durability damage (modified by unbreaking), and has a 1 / level
success rate. At level 5, it will always succeed.
Nature's Blessing
Equipment Slots: Tools (Hoe)
Minimum Enchantment Power: 25 + level * 10
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 55 + level * 10
Maxiumum Level: 3
Effect: This enchantment allows the user to use their hoe as if it was bonemeal, expending 6 - level
durability for each use. Sneaking will disable the effect.
Equipment Slots: Chest, Legs
Minimum Enchantment Power: 30 + level * 7
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 60 + level * 7
Maxiumum Level: 3
Effect: This enchantment will launch enemies that attack the user in melee range (within 2 blocks of the user). The attacker will be launched with a velocity vector created from the position of the player to the position of the entity, multiplied by 2 * level
Occult Aversion
Equipment Slots: Armor
Minimum Enchantment Power: 40 + (level - 1) * 25
Maxiumum Enchantment Power: 40 + level * 25
Maxiumum Level: 4
Effect: Magic damage taken by the user is reduced by the same amount that fire protection reduces fire damage. Additionally, magic damage dealt by the user is reduced according to the same formula.