Slot Machine Finland

Introducing URComped Slot Machine Finder. URComped's Slot Machine Finder is a product of the URComped community where we have received uploads from thousands of members that have tagged pictures, videos, slot machines, and casinos of over 3,000 different slot machines at hundereds of casinos. THE GOVERNMENT-OWNED GAMBLING MONOPOLY VEIKKAUS has reopened all of the slot machines in bars, supermarkets, restaurants, kiosks, and service stations across Finland today, following a four-month enforced closure that was necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic.
Alkuperäinen tiedosto (WebM-ääni-/videotiedosto, VP9/Opus, pituus 45 s, 1 920×1 080 pikseliä, yhteensä 2,44 Mbit/s)
Kuvaus | Slot machines are popular past time in Finland. They can be found on almost every store and gas station. Probably the most legendary slot machine is called Pajatso (Payazzo). The first Payazzo machines were manufactured in Germany during the early 20th century. In Finland Pajatso was the only gambling arcade game until the 1970’s. The gambling slot machines in Finland are manufactured and supervised by The Finnish Slot Machine Association. Nowadays Pajatsos have become extinct due to lack of interest towards the game. They can still be found in museums and some machines are owned by private collectors. The idea of the game is to flick a coin into different winning slots using a metal ring on a side of the machine. If the coin hits a winning slot it rewards the player with the amount of many labeled for that certain slot.In the audio you can hear the bouncing of the coins, winning coins rattling onto the tray and the sound that the mechanical mechanism makes while the game is being played. Recorded in 5th of June 2018 |
Päiväys | |
Lähde | YouTube: Pajatso Slot Machine – View/save archived versions on and |
Tekijä | Sounds of Changes / Työväenmuseo Werstas / Sound, photo, video: Antti Makkonen. |
Slot Machine Finder In Atlantic City
Tämä tiedosto on lisensoitu Creative CommonsNimeä 3.0 Ei sovitettu -lisenssillä. | |
Nimeä: Sounds of Changes | |
This file, which was originally posted to YouTube: Pajatso Slot Machine, was reviewed on by the automatic software YouTubeReviewBot, which confirmed that this video was available there under the stated Creative Commons license on that date. This file should not be deleted if the license has changed in the meantime. The Creative Commons license is irrevocable. The bot only checks for the license, human review is still required to check if the video is a derivative work, has freedom of panorama related issues and other copyright problems that might be present in the video. Visit licensing for more information. If you are a license reviewer, you can review this file by manually appending |
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nykyinen | 10. joulukuuta 2018 kello 04.33 | 45 s, 1 920 × 1 080 (13,21 MiB) | Zache | Imported media from |
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Slot Machine Finder